Disclaimer and Legal Notes
1. Logo
This logo is a trademark property of CLAUDIO PICCOLI and its use is strictly reserved to those that have been registered in the Register of Masters in dog photography created and controlled by Claudio Piccoli. Only those that have achieved the Master certificate and have passed the final exam, receiving the number of registration in the Register by Claudio Piccoli, can use the logo.
Any kind of use of the logo is forbidden outside the CLAUDIO PICCOLI's permission clearly written and only after being registered in the Register of Masters in Dog Photography by Claudio Piccoli and visible in the Map.
2. Connections
CLAUDIOPICCOLI SRL and Claudio Piccoli are not responsible in any way for damages or losses deriving from the access or use of the "logo" (or for the unavailability of access or use of these elements or for the action of viruses, etc. ).
CLAUDIOPICCOLI SRL and Claudio Piccoli have not checked the websites linked in the Map of Masters around the World and is not responsible for their content or the products, services or other offers included therein.
3. Limitation of Liability
CLAUDIOPICCOLI SRL and Claudio Piccoli are not responsible in any way for damages or losses deriving from the access or use of the "logo" (or for the unavailability of access or use of these elements or for the action of viruses, etc. ).
CLAUDIOPICCOLI SRL and Claudio Piccoli have not checked the websites linked in the Map of Masters around the World and is not responsible for their content or the products, services or other offers included therein.
Digital presence in the Map is provided as it is. While CLAUDIOPICCOLI SRL applies the utmost diligence to ensure that the information, content and services on its website are accurate at the time of posting, neither CLAUDIOPICCOLI SRL nor its contractual partners and Claudio Piccoli provide any warranties or assume any liability as to their correctness, reliability, completeness, safety or durability. The information and opinions that appear within your digital presence in the Map can be changed at any time without notice. CLAUDIOPICCOLI SRL and Claudio Piccoli have not checked the websites linked in the Map and are not responsible for their content or the products, services or other offers included therein.
4. Copyright and trademark rights
Complete or partial reproduction, transmission (by electronic or other means), modifications, linking or use of the "logo" or claudiopiccoli website for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without the prior written consent of CLAUDIOPICCOLI SRL.
"DogPhotographyMasters" and the corresponding "logo" and other product and service names are registered trademarks owned by CLAUDIOPICCOLI SRL. No license to use any of these trademarks is granted or implied. These trademarks may not be copied, downloaded, reproduced, used, modified or distributed in any way without prior written permission. No part of the digital presence in the map has been in a way to grant a license or right to use an image, registered trademark or logo.
5. Graphic usage limitations
The use of the LOGO by MASTERS, when allowed (see all points above), must follow these limitations::
- no change of proportions
- no cuts
- no shape alteration
- no color alteration
- no opacity alteration
- no rotation alteration
- no uses in black and white or grey shades (already included in no color alteration)
- not attached to others logos (the LOGO requires a minimum distance all around it. Minimum 20 pixels in all sides)
- minimum dimension 115x115 px
- maximum dimension 500x500 px
- the LOGO must embed this link when clicked:
In this way all the people that will try to click it or download it, will be redirected to this page where it's clearly written who can use it and how can use it.